
© Cut Surface


7,00 €

by J.G.G.


℗ & © Cut Surface 2018

Top chouchou !! Weird Lofi exotica dub de Barcelone.

»A disciple of Mammane Sani and Mulatto Astatke, J.G.G. churns out those hymns of the Church Of Concise Hypno Pieces (or, as an unbelieving local put it at one of the master’s rare live appearances in Vienna, „Lied An – Lied Aus“) as if there was no tomorrow. „Irrlichter“ is another slap in the face of continental Big Name philosophy, since we’ll definitely want our bodies WITH organs after hearing this record. Eat it, Euro smurfs!!« – The Boiler 

»Yeah Jordi, i hear the new world!« – Dominik Danner, beatzentrale 

»Just as Aladdin does rub his magic lantern, J.G.G. rubs his apparatus of instruments till a mighty ghost is set free. Even though the entwined arabesques of his instrumental compositions could be arranged by an orchestra as well, this remains a burbling illusion: Barcelona’s J.G.G. is a one-man-show and an allrounder – at the synth/organ and rhythm machine, chaperoned by the magic charms of echoing surf guitar reverbs.« – Pico Be 

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